ACT testing just finished up and juniors are anxious and stressed about their results, some more than others. In order to help with the after-stress, CCR has come up with a list of what to do to help relieve it. They also gave some tips for those planning to retake it and for the sophomores who will be taking it next school year:
Get a good night sleep the night before
Eat a good breakfast the day of, even if you don’t normally eat breakfast
Before the test, close your eyes and take some deep breaths (30-60 seconds)
Don’t freak out if the first time you don’t get an ideal score, you can always retake it
Utilize the test prep
You cannot bring fidget toys or fidget to where it causes noise, find alternatives such as bouncing your leg
Talk to guidance
If you get a remediation free score (minimum score needed for students to be placed in college-level classes/be ready for college), you are one step closer to graduation (gives you a seal)
After the test, CCR will begin to meet with students to help them figure out their next steps.