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History of Easter


Easter was created three days after Jesus was sacrificed by the Romans and died. And with Christianity it is celebrated around the jewish passover. Even Though Easter was considered a religious holiday there are some pagan roots to the history of the holiday. Easter falls on the equinox which is when winter comes to an end and the flowers are starting to bloom. The cold winter days are gone until next year. Easter eggs are painted and hide, by the easter bunny for kids to find with candy inside of them to collect. The easter bunny is a tradition that came from pagan festival of Eostre, and the rabbit would be a representation of the northern goddesses who were associated with rabbits and hares. Now the easter bunny brings eggs and candy and toys for kids every easter morning. Since seeds from flowers, and eggs that hatch chicks are a symbol of new life, easter baskets which contain eggs is a symbol of new life.

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