The homecoming week started out with all the spirit days to dress up and support your school. The homecoming week for 2022 was specifically based on school spirit and battle of classes between the freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors of 2022. The hallways were decorated based on your class color.
The hallways were decorated in colors from each class for points for the most decorated hallway which the teachers voted on.
The Wednesday assembly was all about battle of classes. The assembly contained the hungry hippo, hoco dress rehearsal relay, drive to the dance, trash touchdowns, homecoming feast, and pie a teacher. The point system was to get your team points by participating in the spirit days and playing many games at the assembly.The class that won spirit week were the sophomores with the most points at 277 points. The second place were seniors with 122 points and in third place were freshmen with 116 points. The juniors came in last with the remaining score of 96.
Friday's assembly was the 76th annual homecoming assembly to crown the homecoming queen. The top 10 girls and top 5 guys made their appearance to hear the results for the homecoming court of 2022. The 2022 Homecoming King and Queen were Trinity Keith and Taryn Simmers.
The Harding Presidents were defeated in the homecoming game by Clear Fork.