10/1 - SAT for students that have signed up
10/3 - Board Meeting, Pajama day
10/4 - Country Vs. Country Club
10/5 - Class Color War (Seniors -Red, Juniors -Blue, Sophomores -Purple, Freshmen -Green)
10/6 - Decade Day (Seniors -70’s, Juniors -80’s, Sophomores -90’s, Freshmen -2000’s)
10/7 - Red and Black
10/8 - Homecoming Dance 7-10PM
10/10 - Picture Day
10/17 - Board Meeting
10/20 - End of the First Quarter
10/21 - Cota Day (No school)
10/24 - Teacher’s Fall Break (No school)
10/28 - MTC CCP advisor Cal Morris will be in the guidance office to answer any questions, sign up for Spring courses, etc.