5/2-6 - Prexy Prevention Week
5/5 - VolleyBros Assembly (assembly schedule)
5/6 - Senior Pictures due for the Yearbook
5/6 - Prom Promise Assembly (assembly schedule)
5/6 - Prom at May Pavillion
5/11 - Last day to complete Apex Courses
5/11 - Academic Awards 6:30
5/13 - Prexy Signing Day
5/15 - Instrumental Concert
5/18 - Senior Last Full Day of Classes and Senior Exams
5/19 - Senior Breakfast 8am 5/19 - Senior Exams (PM)
5/19 - Graduation Rehearsal 2pm
5/22 - Commencement 2pm
5/23 - Final day for students
5/24 - Teacher Report Day
5/30 - Memorial Day
(Q4 Grade Cards will be sent out after 5/24)