For about five years, Master Sergeant Renner has known he wanted to be a teacher from training people in the army, which is when he really began to enjoy teaching. He started teaching at Harding last year in January, choosing this school over dozens of others in Central Ohio.
But before he came to Harding, Renner taught the senior ROTC program at Ohio State University and in the army as a Non-Commissioned Officer. “You kind of develop the habit of… learning to teach over the years.”
MSG Renner really likes to work with kids. Right now he teaches the JROTC program here at Harding, and Resiliency at Grant Middle School, which is “the ability to bounce back from adversity,” he explains. He works to make a difference in the world, his favorite part of the job being the growth and improvement he sees in his students as the year goes on. “Least favorite? That’s kinda hard to say,” MSG Renner says.