The boys tennis team is coached by Dustin Ellis, assisted by coach Worsstol, Evan Gyer and Trent Ramsey. The boy tennis team has been having open gyms throughout the winter. Coach Ellis currently expects there to be about 20 people on the team. The boys first meet will be on March 25. Coach Ellis expressed that last year 4 starting members of the tennis team graduated, so having a perfect conference season again isn’t completely out of question, but would be hard to do. Some of the expectations Ellis has for his athletes is for them to show up everyday and to have a good attitude.
The varsity softball team is coached by Brett Mccrery and Joe Biederman. The JV team is coached by Aspen Backus and Maxxine Pitman. Based on the open gyms that were held throughout the winter, Coach Mccrery is predicting there to be 27-30 people on JV and varsity combined. When asked what some hopes were for this upcoming season, Mccrery responded “We have two goals. Goal number one is to be better at the end of the year and [Goal number two] to make sure that it’s a positive, joyful experience for our girls.” He expressed he hopes the girls can look back in twenty years and be happy they played softball for Marion Harding High School. The first softball game will be on March 25 at Findlay.
The track team is coached by Christopher Schertzer, Bryson Faggs, Bob Petters, Coach Bohanna, Dana Benroth and Jordan Geckler. Schertzer is the head coach of the girls track team and he expressed some hopes for the girls this year is to try and be a contender for a league title. He expressed, “We got a good group, a lot of talented young girls who are dedicated and hard working.” Some expectations the coaches have for the athletes is to be a role model within the school, to be someone other kids look up to, they need to get good grades and when they're on the track to compete and be a good sportsman. The first track meet will be held on March 25 at the Delaware Invitational.
The varsity baseball team is coached by Jeff Bolander and Brett Hall. The JV team is coached by Aaron Pirnstill and Dave Ramsey. Coach Bolander hopes that this year the team can compete for an MOAC championship and show that we do have some competitive baseball here in Marion county. Bolander expressed that he and the other coaches expect their athletes to be respectful and responsible young adults at all times. The team will be led by seniors Van Dutton and Nick Hecker. Returning this year will also be Marion County Pitcher of the Year: Austin Allen. Van, Nick and Austin have been leading off season workouts in which around 14-16 players constantly participated in. The first game will be held on March 28 at Galion.
The MOAC wrestling tournament was held on February 18, but the team and individual members did not do as well as they had hoped ; the Division 1 Sectional Tournament is coming up and many are hoping to do better individually and as a team. Sophie Holt will be wrestling at Marysville High School on Sunday, March 5.
The boys bowling team secured a perfect conference season after beating Pleasant by a count of 2,578-2,218. The boys MOAC tournament will be on Saturday, February 11 at Victory Lanes in Galion.
The girls bowling team will be competing at the MOAC tournament on February 10 at Victory Lanes in Galion.
The girls basketball team traveled to Olentangy Berlin on Saturday February 18 for the first round of the Division 1 Sectionals. They lost 50-41.
The boys basketball team traveled to Olentangy Berlin on February 21 for the first round of Division 1 Sectionals. The score was 65-41.
The swim team attended the Division 1 sectional meet on February 11 at Thomas Worthington.
***Unable to get results for swim and bowling***