A’nya Reynolds is one of the Top Ten girls for homecoming. A’nya will be escorted by Wesley Stokes.
A’nya is a part of Varsity Gymnastics, Varsity Tennis, and Varsity Track. She is vice president of Varsity H, she is president of multicultural club, and she has done youth board for three years at TI. She also does key club, leading ladies, and NHS.
After High School A’nya plans on attending Howard University to study in Business Psychology.
People who inspire A'nya are the people around her, and her dad encourages her.
If she could tell her younger self anything she would say to be yourself and stop stressing because she was a perfectionist at a young age, and she wanted everything to be perfect.
She would want the younger students to know “Stay on track, be yourself, do what you wanna do, be respectful to others, listen to others. There's always a lesson in the advice people give you. Always take what people say into consideration.”
A’nya's favorite memories at Harding are homecomings, pep rallies, and dances.
The song to sum up her high school carer would be “Location” by Khalid.