Chess club: The chess club has been active since November 2021. Chess Club offers a welcoming, non-judgmental atmosphere to interact and learn the game of chess through study and playing the game with others. The club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays right after school in the Media Center until about 4pm. The club has about 10 members and is growing.
Student council: The student council is a governing body that focuses on the climate and needs of the student community. Council members are leaders among their peers, offering a voice for students. Council members work with the staff and administration to provide guidance on a variety of issues and to inform the student body of upcoming events. There are 34 active members and meet during hq on Friday mornings.
Anti Bullying club: So this is a brand new club that we are just sort of slowly getting started on. So far, it has just been a few students and they just kind of share what their experiences have been when it comes to being bullied. It's a time that we want students to feel safe, supported, and listened to as they share their experiences. We have tried to meet on Wednesdays, but we haven't been super consistent yet.
Varsity H: The club has existed since 1926 (96 years) But for the last several years it has been dormant. As per the club's constitution, these are the stated purposes - To foster a spirit of pride among its members in Marion Harding High School Athletics- To foster a spirit of community among its members in the appreciation of all sports at HHS.
The Varsity H Leadership Council meets twice a week during HQ on Mondays and Thursdays.
Any student who earns a Varsity Letter also earns membership in the club. The Leadership Council is composed of 15 students who have been selected by the membership.
Pride Club: The Pride Club has been active since last year at Grant. This year's freshmen actually started it and they wanted to keep the momentum going at HHS!
They meet on Tuesdays in the Cafeteria. Right now, they are working on some posters to help get the word out about the group and to help show support for those in the LGBTQIA+ community here at HHS. all LGBTQIA+ and Allies are welcome!
National Honor Society: The club meets once a month usually randomly, as changing the times helps some students be able to participate.
The NHS is a service organization. We strive to help our school and community. Each student in NHS is required to perform at least 20 hours of service a year. We currently have 21 members with 16 more being inducted next month.