Is elementary school more strict than high school? If you're a student, you have probably thought back to elementary school and thought about the crazy rules you had to follow. What happened to those?
Elementary students have to walk on the right side of the hall, only take a drink of water for a few seconds, and you never went in the hallways by yourself. Throughout the years of middle and high school, these regulations seem to have been lost. Elementary school made students more structured, and you were almost never out of your teacher’s sight. However, high school has you go to many different teachers, sometimes 5 or more in one day. In elementary school you stay with one teacher for 6-7 hours a day and that teacher is the one who teaches you all of your subjects, except for the special classes.
In high school, you are able to walk the halls without question, and you are able to turn in late work without repercussion most times. In elementary school, you are almost never in the hallways and your work is due a certain day with no exceptions.
Most of this makes sense though. Now that you are older, your teachers and principals have more reason to trust you. They believe that since you are in high school, you are responsible for your own work, classes, and behavior. Now that you are in high school the responsibility is on you and not your teachers, and that is why elementary school has more restrictions than high school.