December 15th is the day that students will be taking their 10th period exam.
The schedule will be the food distribution schedule. However, 9th period will only be from 12:41-1:00 PM.
Then the exam will be from 1:10-2:25 PM
December 16th will be exam day for 2nd, 4/5-5/6, and 9th period, in that order.
2nd period exams will be from 7:45-8:55 AM with a break from 8:55-9:00 AM
4/5-5/6 will be from 9:00-10:15 AM with a break from 10:15-10:25 AM
9th period exams will be from 10:25-11:40 AM, and students will have a grab and go lunch from 11:40-11:50 AM
December 17th will be exam day for 1st, 3rd, and 6/7-7/8 exams in that order.
1st period exams will be from 7:45-8:55 AM with a break from 8:55-9:00 AM
3rd period exams will be from 9:00-10:15 AM with a break from 10:15-10:25 AM
6/7-7/8 exams will be from 10:25-11:40 AM, and students will have a grab and go lunch from 11:40-11:50 AM
All students are expected to be at their first exam by 7:25 AM each day.
After the 16th and 17th, there will be time to make up exams from 1:00-2:30 PM.
It will be an open campus, so students may leave school until they have an exam. However, if students don’t/ can’t leave campus, then the help center and cafeteria are open for students.
Students should only return when it is 10 minutes before their next exam.
2nd quarter/ 1st semester
December 17th will be the end of the 2nd quarter/ first semester.
Days that students have off
Christmas break will be from December 18th-January 2nd. Students will come back to school on January 3rd.
January 7th is a staff development day.
January 17th is Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
January 18th is another staff development day.